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Endodontics is that branch of Dentistry that deals with treating the inner part of the tooth, that is, the dental canals.

Endodontics plays a very important role because it allows you to recover teeth that would otherwise be lost. In fact, when the bacteria reach the nerve of the tooth (pulp), if the canals were not treated and the nerve tissue of the tooth was replaced with synthetic material, the tooth would not be recoverable.

How to cure
the inside of the tooth?

Performing a correct root canal therapy is not simple and is not always effective, in fact the anatomy of the endodontum can reserve surprises.

In any case, in the vast majority of clinical situations it is possible to recover the tooth and keep it still perfectly efficient in the mouth for several years. Very often devitalized teeth becoming more fragile need to be encapsulated.

Devitalization consists in opening the pulp chamber (= the housing of the nerve) and using very elastic instruments to clean the canals, regulating their shape; during these maneuvers, chemicals are used to clean and disinfect the channels. Once the canals have been cleaned and the length of the roots established, they are closed using an inert material (usually gutta-percha).

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